Giving Gifts of Stock
If you are holding shares of stock that you would like sold — the proceeds of the sale going to Grace Academy as a cash settlement — there is a quick and easy way to do this and avoid transaction fees and possible capital gains penalties.
Please follow these instructions if you currently own stock and would like to have its cash value given to Grace Academy, Inc.:
Contact your broker and decide what stock and how many shares you wish donated to Grace Academy, Inc.
Provide your broker with the following information:
Grace Academy's Fund Manager: Essex Financial Services, Inc.​
Fund Account Number: 645-667520
DTC Number: 0226
(Note that this number is for stocks only. If you are interested in transferring other investment instruments, please contact Grace Academy.)​
Custodian: Fidelity Investments
Have your broker contact William Tait at 860-767-4300 to let him know that this stock transfer is being scheduled. Specifically state that this is a stock gift that is to be sold for cash at the earliest opportunity — the proceeds of the sale should be turned over to Grace Academy, Inc.
Have your broker provide you with the value of the stock at the time of transfer.
Let Grace Academy know of your gift so that it can be recorded in the most timely and efficient manner.
Consult your accountant or attorney to determine to what extent this charitable donation may be declarable on your next tax return filing.
NOTE: When this stock transfer into the Grace Academy’s account has been completed, Essex Financial Services will sell the stock on your behalf at the current market value and will forward all proceeds of the sale to Grace Academy, Inc.
Essex Financial Services will sell the stock at the earliest possible opportunity.
Should you have any questions about this transaction, please contact:
Maria Carlson at
Tax ID #27-1673012